#drawingwithdylan instead of enjoying the warm evening outside or the soccer game on TV – I felt a bit at home with @dylan_sara and the Tuesday night sketching gang!
@patgaig @jegdesign @ricardofrenzelbaudisch @13wunder @jindrawings @jesraschella @beach.art.life @aqua.richart @klaustiksketchi @pigmentundpixel @hansleutwyler @ma.rgarita2367 @oddyman69 @calambert_art in 30sec, 1 min., 2 min., 4 min., 6 min. poses.
We had a plant 🪴 🌱 and flower 🌺 subject evening… or perhaps if I think about it also a lot of bugs … 🐞🐜🪲.
I am glad that the sketches turned out quite okay… because in the beginning I had no idea what medium pen or brush or size I was going for… it is always the more fluent brush and the big size that goes easily.
Any suggestions what you prefer or suggest to try? Maybe sometimes stopping after the first few lines might be refreshing as well…
Tried a new paper although I do not like using white in portraits, it has some good effects.
#portraitsketching #sketching #portriatzeichnen #speedsketching #5minuteportraits #tusche @rohrerundklingner_official @clairefontaine_officiel #brownpaper #tuesdaynight #zoomdrawing